Install with:
$ pip install -U wapi-python
Import wapi and create a
to connect to the database using your authentication credentialsimport wapi session = wapi.Session(client_id='client id', client_secret='client secret')
Get a curve object by its name and fetch data from the curve. There are 4 different curve types: TIME_SERIES, TAGGED, INSTANCES and TAGGED_INSTANCES. Each curve type has a separate set of methods for getting the time series. Each method will return a
object, containing the data of the curve:## TIME_SERIES curve curve = session.get_curve(name='tt de con °c cet min15 s') ts = curve.get_data(data_from="2018-06-01", data_to="2018-06-08") ## TAGGED curve curve = session.get_curve(name='name of tagged curve') # TAGGED curves contain a timeseries for each defined tag. # Get available tags with: tags = curve.get_tags() ts = curve.get_data(tag='Avg', data_from="2018-01-01", data_to="2018-01-05") ## INSTANCES curve curve = session.get_curve(name='tt de con ec00 °c cet min15 f') # INSTANCES curves contain a timeseries for each defined issue dates # Get a list of available curves with issue dates within a timerange with: # curve.search_instances(issue_date_from='2018-01-01', issue_date_to='2018-01-01') ts = curve.get_instance(issue_date='2018-01-01T00:00') ## TAGGED_INSTANCES curve curve = session.get_curve(name='tt de con ec00ens °c cet min15 f') # TAGGED_INSTANCES curves contain a timeseries for each combination of # defined issue dates and tags. # A TAGGED_INSTANCES is a combination of a TAGGED curve and INSTANCES curve ts = curve.get_instance(issue_date='2018-01-01T00:00', tag='Avg')
object to a pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame to work with the data:pd_s = ts.to_pandas() # convert TS object to pandas.Series object pd_df = pd_s.to_frame() # convert pandas.Series to pandas.DataFrame
Each curve object has the attribute curve.curve_type, specifying the type of the given curve:
>>> curve = session.get_curve(name='tt de con °c cet min15 s')
>>> curve.curve_type # check the type of the given curve