Connect to the Volue Insight API

In order to work with WAPI, first create a session. A session can be configured using a config file, or by providing your client_id and client_secret to the wapi.Session class (wapi.session.Session).

You can get the required id and secret by creating an OAuth client at (as explained here )

Using a config file

First you have to create a config file yourfilename.ini. The simplest way is to take the sample config file provided and insert your client_id and client_secret. Store your file somewhere and refer to it when establishing the connection to WAPI:

import wapi
config_file_path = 'path/to/your/configfile.ini'
session = wapi.Session(config_file=config_file_path)

Directly using client ID and secret

You can also directly use your client ID and secret as input to the Session class

import wapi
session = wapi.Session(client_id='client id', client_secret='client secret', timeout=300)

The timeout parameter is optional and defaults to 300 seconds. This can also be set in the config file as seen in sample config file

Using a proxy

The library responds to the standard proxy evironment variables (https_proxy, etc.) if they are present.